Burnout Studies

This comes from the latest Family Practice Smartbrief:

Systemic issues at root of physician burnout, experts say

A Medscape survey found clinician burnout is widespread, with 42% of physicians reporting burnout, and the causes are complicated and systemic, say researchers from the National Academy of Medicine Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience in a New England Journal of Medicine perspective piece. There is currently no method to “systematically and collectively” compile and analyze data on burnout, and the National Academy of Medicine is a good candidate to coordinate such an effort, wrote Victor Dzau, M.D., and colleagues.
It is so complicated and systemic that there is no method to compile the data but…..the National Academy of Medicine is a good candidate to coordinate such an effort.   Does that sound weird to you?  Is that a joke?  I am sure large amounts of money won’t be spent on this.