Medicine by Smartphone by Stella Fitzgibbons MD


Yeah, I still keep some handy texts in the car or office, and I have some favorite websites I consult when a patient blindsides me with a history of moyamoya disease or autoimmune myelopathy. But whether I’m covering inpatients, helping at the clinic or getting called to the ER, I am profoundly grateful for my smartphone. Look at what I have: a drug reference program that also handles calculations from BMI to predicted peak flows, emergency texts on pediatrics and orthopedics, foreign language dictionaries, and an app that lists the meds my patients can get for four dollars.

Does anybody remember those little loose-leaf notebooks we carried in our pockets? Or scribbling necessary phone numbers in the margins of our Sanford Guide? Or trying to decide if our pockets could hold both Harriet Lane and the Washington Manual?
EHRs may be a thorn in our side, but technology makes some things easier for us. And I think our patients will be just fine with the idea of us carrying all that info on our belts.