Quote of the Week and New Logo

Thursday is usually “quote of the week” day but I made a new logo that I wanted to share with you so I will combine both.  To the AAFP, who got mad at my use of their logo and who are trolling me on social media, you guys can “buzz the f#ck off”. That is my quote of the day. Send that to your lawyer.

As for the logo that I made above, there is a different color of the font, a different font altogether, and a different torch thingy compared to the real one.  Lastly, who even knows what the letters in my AAFP logo stand for?  Here are some options but please comment with your own or which one of these you like the best:

  1. Assinine Academy of Family Physicians
  2. Atrocious Academy of Family Physicians
  3. Abhorrent Academy of Family Physicians
  4. Annihilating Academy of Family Physicians
  5. Anti-Academy of Family Physicians
  6. Adulterous Academy of Family Physicians
  7. Apathetic Academy of Family Physicians

Remember to comment and also, feel free to share this logo!

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