Who is Watching the Lawyers?

I get so disgusted hearing how doctors have to be constantly watched with their coding and billing and metrics.  There was NEVER any proof that any of this was needed.  Doctors and nurses are still the two most trusted professions in America. Somehow, unfortunately,  we allowed the government and the insurers to create fear amongst the public and covertly claim that we need oppressive oversight.  And we physicians have accepted this!  Do you know who has hardly any oversight?  The lawyers!  Take this class-action case, for example.  This comes from the Wall Street Journal:

Four law firms last year negotiated a $115 million settlement with insurer Anthem to cover a 2015 data breach that compromised 79 million birth dates, Social Security numbers, addresses and income data. Yet a mere $51.4 million would go to victims—$0.65 on average per member, including the cost of free-credit monitoring. Attorneys demanded $63.6 million because of what they called their “exceptional results” and the “extremely risky nature” of the case.

It’s ironic that Anthem was involved so it would seem the enemy of my enemy is our friend. Not so.  The lawyers gouged so much money out of the deal that each litigant only got sixty-five cents!  Where is their oversight? Four lead firms farmed out work to 49 other firms, which resulted in duplicative work and increased the fee by $13.6 million.

If this was doctors doing this then they would lose their licenses.  Instead, these firms will walk away with a boatload of money in their accounts looking for new “cases” to help the people. It’s just so sad.

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