Mandatory Flu Shots (Survey)

The Rhode Island Dept. of Health has made it mandatory for all health workers to get a flu shot.    One union is suing over this.   This is interesting stuff. The health department states it “has a legitimate interest in preventing the spread of influenza through health care workers with direct patient contact at licensed health care facilities”.  Agreed.  I mean we healthcare workers are right in the line of fire and we see a ton of patients who come through.   By the time our symptoms appear we have already infected a bunch of people.   Besides, most docs will work through their illness.  So should we be forced to get immunized?  I, personally, know so many doctors who won’t.   On the other end, the SEIU Healthcare Employees Union also has a point.  They support voluntary flu shots for health care employees but workers should not be forced to take the vaccine. “The single principle of medicine is that you don’t force people to take medicine,” a union spokesperson said.  So does freedom override this epidemic issue?  Most of you are in the healthcare field, answer the question below to tell me what you think:

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