Fly, Peacock, Fly

This had to be fake news, right?  A woman really didn’t think she could bring a peacock on a plane, did she?  The answer is….yes.  I even checked to see if it was a hoax.  Nope.  You may have seen this on social media but United did stop the bird from getting on: 

“This animal did not meet guidelines for a number of reasons, including its weight and size. We explained this to the customers on three separate occasions before they arrived at the airport.”

The news comes on heels of Delta’s controversial crackdown of emotional support and service animals. On Jan. 19, the airline announced forthcoming restrictions in hopes of curbing an abuse of policy and an 84 percent increase in ill animal behavior such as urinating, defecating, biting and attacks on flights.

Yup, this lady was cockblocked.

The whole emotional support animal things is really controversial right now and for good reason.  We can discuss that here if you want but there is a bigger question no one is talking about.  Who is the idiot doctor who signed the paperwork thinking she could try this in the first place?

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