The Most Powerful Marketing Secret Ever? Read On and See If You Identify.

It’s no secret. I’m a play junkie. If I don’t go outside and play, regularly, I get cranky, stale. Daily work becomes harder, stiffer, less fluid. You probably are the same. But maybe it’s been far too long since you let yourself find out.

We’ll here’s a whole new reason to go play.

Patients love it!  No Kidding. Play, travel and just getting out and doing something you love makes you real, keeps you pleasantly conversant, and someone they really want to emulate.

The problem is for too many is we become far too rigid in daily and especially weekly routines. Over achievers like physicians too often put their inner child last. In fact, we are some of the most under-recreated people ever. Big mistake. Illness, divorce, depression are far too often the price.

Now, I am giving you a whole new reason to disconnect and kick up your heels! Regularly.

It will help you build an enormous practice! Why? Because you can use your play to market yourself while feeling more rested, creative and inspired to be your very best.

Yes, that’s right! Especially now a days while it’s so easy to create media. Cams, phones, you name it.
This recently was reinforced in my practice when I sent out a reminder card to patients. I uploaded an image of me sitting on my motorcycle with a caption “Time to ride on in?”

Patients loved it, and it was one of the most effective recall pieces I have recently done. And I have lots of fun photos of my adventures and likes around the office for them to see too.

Here is a strategy any practice owner can use. Do this right, your practice grows, as does your wealth account.

Step 1-
Make sure your practice is set up around your life, NOT the other way around! What do you like to do outside of practice? Where do you want to live, travel to or experience? If it’s been a while since you’ve done this, take your time, and be honest with yourself. Be sure to write or dictate all of this.

Step 2-
Start recording snippets of your adventures in media-you can take decent photos, video, heck even record great conversational sound bites. Some of my best marketing pieces and images have come from weekend ski or motorcycle adventures, and of course my vacations. The more impromptu the picture or video the better.

Next, Make storage and organization of your files easy. That’s why I am very partial to the Mac products like iMovie, and iPhoto.

Step 3-
Be sure to use this material creatively. Put photos in your office news, flyers and especially on the web. This is why Facebook and other social media can be so powerful. It helps make you a real person.

Step 4-
Get some help. Too often, there is no solid marketing strategy, steps to follow or calendar for team members to focus on.

You’ll do far better to have a staff person help you with the implementation, but you’ve got to have a strategic plan they can follow. This is one of the very first things we teach in our Platinum sessions.

Step 5-
Carve out regular time to make sure you are living your dreams, and your practice is supporting it! This is crucial. It’s also why administrative and creative time must be on YOUR checklist, every week, and if you really want to accelerate your personal growth, every day!

This is living and practicing by design, not default (which gets stressful and ugly quickly).

Remember, we are here to support you with the personal coaching, systems and tools that help you create the practice (and thus life) of your dreams!

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