Friday Funny? Nope. And This is Not an April Fool’s Joke

Here is the link. Remember how Nero fiddled while Rome burned? This will happen EVERYWHERE in EVERY specialty because nondoctors are cheaper. It doesn’t help that no organization (AMA, AAFP, ACP, APA, et. al.) will use their money to produce the studies showing that TRAINING AND EDUCATION MATTER!

The best line from the article, btw, was:

Adam Dachman, MD, a surgeon at the hospital, speaking for himself, said he has no problem using nurse anesthetists.

“It’s a misconception that physicians are required to administer anesthesia,” he told Medscape Medical News.

I am sure Adam has a lot of doctor friends loving him right now. Hey, Adam, you’re job is next. See what is happening in England the NHS.
