Medtronic dumps liability onto the lap of PCP’s!

We received a document from Medtronic about an insulin pump device that has the ability to be hacked, injuring the patient. 

According to the document, the issue was identified in May of 2018, almost four years ago.  Medtronic wants us to sign this document and return it to them, via fax, taking responsibility for dealing with the defective device.  There is no patient name.  There is not even a voice phone number for Medtronic.  Yet, it appears to be legitimate.  We do not order or supervise insulin pumps.  That’s why Endocrinologists were created.

The document requiring a signature is quite comprehensive, shuffling all responsibility onto the doctor for contacting and counseling our patients who may have this device and advising them on alternatives.  We are also supposed to assist patients in the process of physically returning the item to Medtronic. REALLY?!?!

We are ignoring Medtronic’s demand, but they keep resending the multi-page fax every day.  Isn’t it grand that a company can collect lots of money on a defective product and then shuffle the responsibility onto the primary care doctor?