Your Most Important Patient Satisfaction Tool

In private practices especially you can tell so much about a doc based just upon how staff answers the phone. Now of course, this is something you should check regularly and do with kindness.

Timing of replies, staff attitude, and how questions are handled are just three simple issues we all need to be aware of. These can literally make or break your success,

When we talk to patients, here is what they tell us look for in telephone staff… “are they organized? Are all their tools obviously at their fingertips? Do they know the docs scheduling and policies, preferences and practice style?”

In fact, if your practice is not doing great at the moment, ask three friends to anonymously call your office. Two as new patients with no health insurance.

You should listen in. You may however be shocked. But this is also the very first step making small twists that can dramatically reduce private practice stress, and literally help your practice build itself.

When it comes to collections at the counter is it “Here’s your options Mrs. Jones…?” Or more like “Oh that’s OK don’t worry about it…”

Here’s my point.

Those who have profitable and fun practices, and indeed personal lives continuously aim to master each area of private practice!

No, it’s never perfect, and always requires measurement and attention, but none-the-less the all of this can be simplified and ensured it’s in place via very basic policies, procedures and some very simple training.

Clinically, it’s also very important to your patients! In this scenario, patients then know to expect only clinical excellence, which is not as common as you would think.

When treating every day like this your patients will be saying, “That was the best doctors visit I have ever had in my entire life!”

This itself will help you be enormously satisfied and successful, most especially in private practice.

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