The Most Dangerous Number – ONE!

One of the biggest issues observed this past week especially has been the ignoring “The Most Dangerous Number” – ONE!

One way to help a condition…

One way to manage a team…

One way for patients to pay…

One way to approach a pandemic…

And the most dangerous?

Having just ONE way to practice, [like tot having Telemedicine for example] or worse yet, thinking ONE treatment strategy will work all by itself!

This is no more apparent than with websites or social media. These are all great tools, but setting them up and then expecting ONE to deliver all by itself is pure delusion.

You see, websites especially require “traffic”, web visitors you direct thereby multiple methods. Here are just a few sources of website traffic to think of as you start your week…postcards, newsletters, recall campaigns, Twitter, Facebook, AdWords, Newspaper, radio, TV…how big is your list? 

This is how we need to be thinking both in orchestrating your message with frequency (at least something every day) and relevancy (like practical COVID-19 info), not BS patients can see anywhere.

Let’s continue to provide the most valuable info for our patients especially now.

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