The American Academy of Pediatrics

In fairness, I’ve intensely disliked the American Academy of Pediatrics for a long time now.  They are a left-wing, big government/SCHIP pushing, whiny ass bunch that I still blame in part for my no longer being able to prescribe Rondec infant drops for sleepless mothers in the middle of the night.  These bastards are presently recommending the completely unnecessary COVID vax/non-vax for children 5 and up.  They are bad news.

But not content with passively harming children, the cynical maniacs are adding to their record of active assault on children.

Now the AAP is sponsoring a book “You-ology: A puberty guide for EVERY Body,” written by “Dr. Trish Hutchison, a pediatrician and Dr. Melisa Holmes, an OB/GYN, teach puberty classes and co-founded an online puberty education hub called Girlology.  The third, Lowe is a pediatrician who helps steer the AAP on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender health and wellness.”

I imagine that every one of us hated puberty and all the confusions that came with the rapid changes, which these three witches exploit: “Traditional puberty education only contributes to a sense of isolation and often does not include all kids’ experience of puberty and leaves kids with questions about how puberty will affect their friends and classmates.”  The “all kids” is the clue, as in the preceding descriptive sentence they promise, “A new kind of puberty guide, You-ology embraces an inclusive approach that normalizes puberty for all kids.”  That is the camouflage tarp for advocacy, and we all know it. 

NPR tells us that, “One early reader endorsed the book. Stella, 12, a sixth-grader from Chicago, who identifies as nonbinary and uses them/them pronouns, read an early copy (their mom is an acquisitions editor at AAP).”  Kids are confused, some more than others, we get that.  But a sixth-grader who is gender confused is being exposed to harmful propaganda, and encouraged by mush-brained leftist who is certainly using her child to work out her own insecurities. 

Co-authoress Hutchinson says, “We wanted this book to be in every school in the country, so that any kid could pick it up and see themselves and their peers … there are certain states out there where you can’t even say [some] of these words” (doubtless a smug slur on the recent legislation in Florida called the “Don’t Say Gay Bill”, which does not say anything of the sort, which makes Hutchinson a repeat-offender liar). 

Across the cauldron, Lowe says, “Regardless of what’s going on in state capitals, our jobs are to be pediatricians, and to teach kids about their bodies and how to take care of themselves.” Then why not do just that “Dr.” Lowe, with accurate pictures, explanations, and above all, a freaking mirror?  Yes, DO teach them about their bodies, honestly, and yes DO address their feelings, honestly, but don’t lie to the kids or their parents about who these fragile souls are.

Think I’m off the rails?  Lowe reached for the shelf, got a jar of newt eyes and a rabid fox tail, threw them all into the cauldron, gave it a good stir, and then told the NPR interviewer, ““With this book, we’re trying to change that language to be more inclusive.  With traditional puberty education, whether it’s in schools or in books, we talk about how girls get their periods and boys get erections. But some girls — for example, transgender girls — might not get their periods. They need to understand about erections and those changes in their bodies.” 

“The style we settled on is to use terms like ‘for most girls, this happens; for most boys, this happens.”  This is not compassionately dealing with mind-body dysmorphia in an adult.  This is encouraging and amplifying normal confusions in children.

Remember a few years back when so many of us were outraged over so-called “female circumcision”, more properly called female genital mutilation?  The AAP came out against it as recently as 2020.  But fashionable politics and their own moral cowardice has allowed these monsters to recommend psychological mutilation of children.   

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