Sorry!  You Won’t See a Doctor!

Finally, the mainstream media (CNN) is starting to notice and publicly acknowledge the obvious elephant in the room:  When you seek healthcare, you likely will never see a doctor.

Editor’s Note: read the CNN article but be warned. You may need to have a vomit bag handy. Corporate medicine and their “blended model” is absolute bullshit and is killing what’s left of our healthcare system.
I wrote about this in DPC News today. Here is what I said:
If you are unaware of what is happening with Private Equity (PE) groups, you will be in for a shock. I am just going to leave you with some quotes or buzzwords from the article:
  • “shift of staffing”
  • “blended model”
  • “to provide care to their fullest potential.”
  • go into medicine to supervise an army of people
  • employ “the least expensive resource” 
Yes, you say, but this article is about ERs. While that is true it is also happening to primary care —- rapidly. Get out. Start your DPC today.  Buy the books. Go to the conferences. Join the DPC Alliance. Start NOW!
Doug Farrago