Aiding and Abetting: How Primary Care Physicians Who Bill Insurers Help the Insurance Cartel

I thought I would give you all a bonus blog post today. The following is from Jeff Gold, MD, a good friend of mine. It is worth sharing:

Warning: Insurance Accepting PCPs could be triggered here. Hint: That’s kind of the point

A few weeks ago ProPublica published an article titled “How Cigna Saves Millions by Having Its Doctors Reject Claims Without Reading Them” about how physicians working for Cigna- the “C” of the BUCHA Cartel- help increase CIGNA’s profits by rejecting an insane amount of claims per minute. So, the article made the usual rounds on LinkedIn, medical blogs, etc pummeling the evil insurers and the doctors that work for them. This did not surprise me one iota, but what does continue to surprise me is the lack of mention of the doctors that submit these claims by the millions. Do people ever wonder why claims sent in for a doctor to spend 8-10 minutes with you to check some boxes on a screen, do a quick ear check, look in your throat, listen to your heart and lungs, refill a medication you have been on for 5 years, and now ones submitted for 5 minute video/email visits are all accepted and paid out with zero resistance? Yet, the lifesaving drug or procedure is often rejected- or at a minimum require 15 hoops to jump through to get paid? Imagine Valvoline sending in claims to GEICO for my windshield wipers to be replaced, my oil to be replaced, my tires to be rotated and getting paid easily, but GEICO not paying when a tree falls through the roof of my car? It makes no sense. Yet this is the ass backwards world of health “insurance” we are talking about here- the one where you get your “free” 250-dollar mammogram annually but then get exposed to 3,000 minimum for most if the mammogram is abnormal and further testing is needed. Now keep following me closely because this is where it gets confusing.

When I (well my employer actually) filed claims to insurers for day to day medical issues I had no awareness that I was actually helping the insurers generate more profit due to my ignorance. How many times do we hear- or have said- “let the insurance company deal with the claim and pay for that 75 dollar lab because I pay a lot for my insurance. Its the least they can do. Just bill the bastards”? By believing this we rob ourselves in 2 ways. Number 1 is the simplest to understand. There is no free ride. When the insurers pay for something it is usually at an insane markup and is always added on to next years premium, deductible, copays, coinsurance etc. Again I repeat…nothing is free! Number 2 is a little more confusing as it is due to the MLR or Medical Loss Ratio. The ACA has a rule that insurers need to pay out 80% of premium dollars in claims for small groups and 85% for large groups. The remaining percent goes to their operating costs and profit. Remember, these are companies whose main responsibility is to their shareholders not you. Go check their stock prices I implore you to. I would insert an article or graphic to support this but I am too lazy. Maybe Doug Farrago has one? Now the rule is that if they do not meet this requirement they have to issue rebates to their customers, but again, even if these occurs what do they do? Just raise premiums. THERE IS NO FREE RIDE!!!! 

Ok back to Number 2. Sorry for the tangent. The key with the MLR is that it is a PERCENTAGE. How does an insurer generate more profit in the world of health “insurance”??? THEY PROCESS MORE AND MORE CLAIMS!!!! Bigger pie-> Same percentage-> BIGGER PROFIT!! So the next time you show up to work to see your 18-25 patients a day at 10-15 minutes a pop and file those 99213s, 99214s, 99215s, lab codes, meds at the pharmacy, etc etc realize now that you can not go home and bitch and moan about what crooks these companies are. YOU my friends and colleagues are buying the getaway car, filling it with gas, and speeding off at 95 miles an hour all the while you are harming the same people you took an oath to protect. Do no harm is do no financial harm. And here is the worst rub of them all- if you did get stopped by the police and sent to the clink you will be tried and judged alone. It will be you that is blamed and indicted. You will be thrown under the bus and backed over so quickly that being in the hoosegow may actually be safer than the day-to-day scam on the American Public that you are currently aiding and abetting. Now off to go get my Kevlar on.

Dr. Gold can be found here: Gold Direct Care