Is Christian the new word for mediocre?

In the circles I run in there was an interesting phenomenon that has for the most part simmered out – but it was active as little as 10 years ago.  There were wide swaths of culture that were springing up preceded by the word “Christian.”

Son, I got you a new album!  It’s a rap CD!

All right dad! Thanks!

Its Christian Rap!

Sigh.  Ok, thanks (crestfallen look.)

Honey! Got you a romance novel for the beach!

Great honey! Thanks so much! That will get me in the mood!

It’s a Christian romance novel!

Great. In the mood for over the clothes stuff after marriage.  Thanks, honey.

This Kurt Cameron led foray into popular culture saw the demise of many Christian bookstores and a lot of crappy movies (a few good ones.  Facing the Giants chief among them.)  But for better or worse, the word “Christian” was quickly becoming synonymous with the word “mediocre.”  Since those rap artists didn’t have to compete with the whole spectrum of rappers – they did not have to be as good. And they weren’t.  Sorry LeCrae – even with our name similarity, it’s just the truth.  (He is the best Christian rapper by a wide margin.)  No romance novel is complete or good with at least a few mentions of a throbbing member.  Removing the competition lessens the quality.  Always.

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So why the mention in a medical blog?  It’s a warning to some groups to not do the same.  In specific, the medical school that I am an associate professor for has hired a new JD top-of-her-class type to run the DEI office.  She has listed for her several accolades, including membership in the “NJ Chapter of the National Black Prosecutors Association and the Association of Black Women Lawyers.[1]

I am sure she is a wonderful candidate and far more intelligent than me.  But I feel that her estimation in most people’s eyes of all races would rise and most would prefer she either not mention any associates in, or mention only those that are inclusive.  

I think that it is accurate to call Barak Obama the first black president, but I think it’s also fair to call him the last good one.  I think that is higher praise and accurate despite the protests of the Trump MAGA and the Biden Left that are sure to follow. 

[1] Email from the Burnett School of Medicine at TCU, May 10, 2023

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