The Insanity of Using the Affirmation Shield

This is California. Here is the bill:

Existing law governs the determination of child custody and visitation in contested proceedings and requires the court, for purposes of deciding custody, to determine the best interests of the child based on certain factors, including, among other things, the health, safety, and welfare of the child.
This bill, for purposes of this provision, would include a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child.

This tweet above is not hyperbolic. If a seven-year boy tells the teacher that he thinks he is a girl and the parents are not “affirming” then that would be a child welfare case if the teacher complains.

If a divorced mom thinks the dad is not affirming the 5-year-old daughter’s thoughts she is a boy then he could lose custody.

This is insanity! This is the opioid crisis 2.0. This is COVID 2.0.