California and Virtue Signalling

California is similar to America in many ways. But it is not quite. 

Recently this blog introduced us to the law before the California lawmakers about giving power to the state to remove children from homes that do not accept a child’s gender shift. This is a prime example of pure virtue signaling, defined by Urban Dictionary above.

If this bill were to pass in Texas any parent having their child taken away would be armed to the teeth and willing to die to keep it from happening. And the police that came to take the child – half would join the parent fighting to retain custody. 

I am a supporter of LGTB rights across the board and I offer medical care to this population as appropriate. But I would never offer “gender-affirming” hormone care or ever support genital mutilation in the under-18 crowd. This position would be maintained by most if not all of my transgender patients. There is no possible way a 12-year-old could reliably know what their favorite ice cream will be when they turn 25 – how much less could they know what configuration of genitals they would like to interact with and what their own genitals should look like?