From Public Servant to Moderna Whore

As we collectively get to enjoy watching the Fall of Rome 2.0, the influence of utterly corrupt, often fatally stupid individuals put in positions of public authority and trust cannot be discounted.  And it should be obvious, a reflex even, that when someone is appointed as U.S. Surgeon Admiral, they should immediately be regarded with the bitter skepticism and sarcastic reproach that they will almost certainly earn in very short order.

Former Surgeon Admiral Jerome Adams is one such superstar.  Like his actual boss, The Fauci, Adams said in March, 2020, just as the Virus Panic started to destroy our civic and ethical immune system, “’Seriously people,” he began, and though it’s a tweet, you can almost hear the exasperation in his plea. ‘STOP BUYING MASKS!  They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!’”

And then in July, 2020 Adams said, “’I would say to people is if you do go out to a gathering or in public, please wear a face covering,” he said while holding up a mask.

Adams said wearing a mask will lead to more benefits down the line.

‘As we talk about Fourth of July and independence, it’s important to understand that if we all wear these we will actually have more independence and more freedom because more places will be able to stay open … We’ll have less spread of the disease.’”

Then in July, 2021, Adams regretted what he has said the year before, hid behind the CDC which must-be-right-in-all-things, yet lamented that captive organization even considering relaxing mask mandates for the jabbed:  “What @CDCgov said was based on the science & conditions at the time, and amounted to ‘you’re safe IF you vax it OR mask it.  Both the conditions (rising cases) & the science (delta variant) changed, but what people heard and held to was masks were no longer needed…”  Hilariously, dishonestly, stupidly, the former Surgeon Admiral was hiding behind The Science, even though the ridiculous face totems he was pushing never prevented a damn thing but dignity.  Adams was a doofus-in-the-headlights on camera, and a liar in his prevaricating policy pronouncements.

So, what do you do with and admiral once they start to mothball the mask & vax fleet?  While most have probably forgotten about this low-brow apparatchik, we’ve been enjoying the weird rolling aftermath of the miracle mRNA shots.  Odd reports of otherwise healthy adolescents, world-class professional athletes, and physicians in their forties and fifties, in numbers far, far greater than those that had the Swine flu vaccine pulled, dropping dead after being Pfizer or Moderna-boosted are out there for anyone who wants to look.  Because young, fit, active people drop dead all the time, nothing unusual about that.  And we don’t need to worry about impolite studies like the Swiss study profiled by Alex Berenson that suggest a 1/35 risk of contracting myocarditis after a(nother) COIVD booster.  This was preceded by the Florida surgeon general (not admiral, he doesn’t have a fancy costume) last year.  And in the Swiss study, the average age was 37, an age group with a low, low risk of serious morbidity from the latest head-cold variant of the China Virus.  To balance the official positions of the CDC, FDA, NIAID, AMA, AAPF, AAP, AHA, BCBS, Humana, Kaiser, et al, Pfizer, Moderna, and probably the FBI, CIA, DOD, DHS, DEA, your local school board, most universities, NPR, Fox News, et al, Amazon, MacDonald’s, Wal-Mart, Starbucks, Facebook, et al …whew … there are also more reports from insurance actuaries reporting an increase “mortality excess” from 2019, funeral home corporations reporting an increase in sales, and government sources like the U.K NHS reporting marked risesin endocervical and colorectal cancers, among others.  There are a lot of questions, and a lot of people who don’t want to be identified as hysterical conspiracy theorists who AREN’T asking them.  Fine.

And then last month what do I get in my email, but a friendly notice from the fine folks at (drum roll) MODERNA!, announcing “a panel of national experts on Thursday, August 3” to discuss what?  Why, 

          “-  The impact of COVID-19 on Black communities

           –  Vaccine uptake among the Black population

           –   Strategies to help clinicians keep Black patients up to date on COVID-19 vaccines”

And who do you suppose is one of the panel members?  Well of course it’s Jerome Adams, MD, MPH, FASA, WFC, former U.S. Surgeon Admiral, and current Big Pharma shill, selling out a minority community he purports to help.  This phony should be laughed off stage after his string of failures, and using his laughable resume to hawk for a product that is, charitably, suspect tells us everything we need to know about the intersection of government, corporatism, and the soiled profession once known as medicine.  This sort of doctor is dishonorable, dumb…and dangerous.

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