Don’t Let Them Rewrite History or….

We will never learn from it.

To be honest, when CV19 hit I was all in on what Fauci and the CDC said. Then the inconsistencies started and I was suspicious. Then the lies started and I was pissed.

This video above was not made by Vinay Prasad MD MPH but he did comment on it at @VPrasadMDMPH

Yes. I think the video is accurate. And on many other issues his story is inconsistent. He did recommend school closure. In fact he criticized DeSantis for reopening. He recommended cloth masking, at a population level, which he denies. Media won’t cover it honestly.

Recently, CNN got Fauci back on and I see the plan as clear as day.

They are trying to rewrite history!

I like the following quote by Bret Weinstein, which I found recently:

People were required, coerced, misled and threatened into taking vaccines. Others were ostracized, shamed and impoverished for refusing. We were defamed and demonetized for discussing it. The injured were heartlessly gaslit. But no one was physically forced. Bret Weinstein

Remember the quote, “Because…science”?

Well, those people caused millions to distrust science with what happened. There are NO noble lies! The truth is important. We can never learn from our mistakes if we don’t admit them first.


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