How We Handle Dissent

How dissenting voices are handled in today’s world has become a very loud part of medicine as voices that were opposed to the mainstream were screamed down, canceled, and silenced.  It was not long ago that there was very serious talk about removing medical licenses from all doctors who voiced an opinion opposing the mainstream orthodox view on COVID treatments and vaccinations.  

For the official record, I am not Catholic and I do not agree with many of the tenets that Bishop Joseph Strickland holds.  He was recently deposed by the Pope for holding and maintaining a point of view differing from the Pope’s.  

I don’t care about the issues at play here as much as I dislike the pattern of quashing opposing voices.  We are based in America on a universal ideal of the ability to speak your mind, live your life, be your own self – and if someone disagrees then go ahead and disagree.  Talk, argue, yell – but never at the cost of eliminating the dissenting voice.  Gone is the American ideal of, “I disagree with what you are saying, but I will die defending your right to say it!”

So I greatly dislike the removal of Bishop Strickland.  And I will remind the Vatican that England left the Catholic Church over one man wanting to divorce and remarry one woman (later a few more women.)  The Pope should sit uneasy that possibly a few more than one Catholic believes as Bishop Strickland does: and the Catholic Churches of America has a nice ring to it.