AI Writing Medical Journals

My web browser of choice, Edge, asks me to try its artificial intelligence chat feature every time I reboot.  I asked it to create an entry into a medical blog about the inequalities of healthcare, and make it funny.  The following is the result:

Healthcare inequities are no laughing matter, but I’ll do my best to make it funny. Here’s a draft of your blog entry:

“Why did the doctor break up with the nurse? Because they had no chemistry! Speaking of chemistry, let’s talk about the inequities in healthcare. It’s no secret that healthcare is a complex and often confusing system. But did you know that it’s also riddled with inequities? That’s right, folks. The same system that’s supposed to keep us healthy is also responsible for keeping some of us sick. And that’s not funny. But you know what is funny? The fact that we can do something about it! By acknowledging the problem and working together, we can create a healthcare system that works for everyone. So let’s get to work, people! And remember, laughter is the best medicine. Unless you have a broken leg. Then you should probably see a doctor.”

Although I would question the somewhat leftist lean of the entry, it’s not bad.  Healthcare is not responsible for keeping some in the system sick (illness does that, but healthcare does offer cure in unequal aliquots.)  

So, is this something to be feared? That Skynet will take over all our thinking and then eliminate us?  Overall, I think that is a no.  I would much rather have had a mindless computer write the journal entries from pharma over the years.  We have all read how lisinopril was vastly superior to fosinopril which was superior to captopril, and the bloody B blocker wars that ravaged the country for 30 years until now that they are all generic and we can all sigh and realize finally that they are all just a class effect and the differences were pharma created.  I think AI would have had a bit more ability to be fair, as its ability to eat and buy sports cars is not tied to its ability to show a difference when there is none.

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