Dietary changes for IBS may be better than medication. Yeah, but we have no time for that!

You are not going to believe this but a low-carb or a FODMAP diet beat meds for IBS.

In the study, two different eating plans beat standard medications in treating the debilitating symptoms of the gastrointestinal disease. One diet was low in “FODMAPs,” a group of sugars and carbohydrates found in dairy, wheat and certain fruits and vegetables, while the second was a low-carb regimen high in fiber but low in all other carbohydrates.

The study is here but the result aren’t the point. What intrigues me is who is going to teach IBS patients about this? It has to be the overworked family doctor, right, because it takes forever to get into a gastroenterologist’s office. Oh, and when you finally get in you see a PA or NP because the GI doc is way too busy. And what is the result of EVERY visit with a PA or NP at a GI office? You guessed it……COLONOSCOPY! Why? You never know when you can find something scoping for dollars.

Whatever happened to good old fashioned history taking and deduction with good patient education?

Answer: it went away when they took away time spent with patients.