Administrators, Patient Satisfaction Scores, and Drug Dealing Doctors

steven r. henson

Dr. Steven Henson, a doctor in Kansas, is accused in a 31-count indictment of operating a prescription drug operation that led to the death of one of his patients. Henson was an ER doctor who then practiced at the Kansas Men’s Clinic in west Wichita and at other locations in Wichita. That clinic supposedly treats men’s sexual health issues with Oxycodone, Xanax and Methadone.  Henson handed out the prescriptions “in return for cash payment…without a medical necessity…without a legitimate medical examination… and for individuals other than the person who came to see him.” The indictment also says Henson deposited at least $312,000 in cash related to the alleged crimes. The indictment says Henson is accused of illegally distributing more than 34,000 Oxycodone pills.

We see these dirtbags all the time but here is the best part.  My close doctor friend worked under him when he was in residency.  Henson was an ER doctor then.  Here is what he said:

He was one of our ER attendings in Salina. We called him the candyman. In his defense, he had by FAR the highest patient satisfaction scores.  The administrators cited his high scores and the reason for them every time they tried to make us think that was important.  They wanted us to be more like him.

Just another reason why these patient satisfaction scores for hospital docs are bogus. Did it lead Henson to becoming the Candyman?  Who knows?  It sure didn’t hurt.  And it made the administrators so happy.   Picture an administrator eating a scoobie snack and that is what you get every time they see those nice scores come in.