Faulty Doctor Lists

As insurers continue to narrow network doctors out of business it has come to light that their information is inaccurate:

  • California’s biggest health insurers reported inaccurate information to the state on which doctors are in their networks, offering conflicting lists that differed by several thousand physicians, according to a new state report.
  • …insurers may be misrepresenting which providers they have under contract or are unable to collect accurate information.
  • UnitedHealthcare, the nation’s largest health insurer, listed 9,135 primary-care doctors on the provider list used during the year who were absent from year-end list — a discrepancy of 45 percent.
  • Cigna, another big insurer, named 8,572 on the one list who were not on the other, a 36 percent discrepancy. For Anthem Blue Cross, the discrepancy was 8,165 primary-care physicians, or 36 percent, and for Blue Shield of California it was 4,371 primary-care doctors, or 22 percent.
  • In another instance, the state said Aetna counted the same cardiologists in one county more than 160 times, inflating the number of specialists overall by 2,293. That overstated the list of specialists by 82 percent.
  • Overall, for seven insurers, the two sets of lists differed by 50 percent or more for in-network specialists.

Patients are getting screwed.  Doctors are getting screwed.  And the insurers couldn’t give a damn.