Does your Private Practice have enough “Boots on the Ground”?

Does your Private Practice have enough “Boots on the Ground”?  I mean like right now even in the midst of a pandemic?

Too often, we are confronted by marketing gurus who suggest all or none web-based private practice development approaches.

For those of you new in private practice, this may be a new concept. But for those of us who have been around it is a concept with which we are very familiar. During the 1980s there was a very popular book entitled “Megatrends”. The author, John Naisbitt is one of my favorite futurists.

Much like Toffler wrote about the all too often slow adaptability of humans in “Future Shock” in the ’70s, Naisbitt wrote about the ever-expanding need for “high tech-high touch”.

Naisbitt’s concept is really very simple. And that is in all business and life endeavors there’s no substitute for close human contact.  Indeed, the very reason social media has become so popular is that to some extent it has replaced these human interactions.

Nonetheless, there is no substitute right now for a personal mailed note or better yet phone call, especially when it comes to dealing with sick and suffering humanity.

Too often, we are confronted by marketing gurus who suggest all or none web-based private practice development approaches.

In our opinion and experience, this is a fatal path for modern private practices. In fact the more high-tech you introduce into your private practice, the more need is created for an equal or greater amount of human touch.

But like everything else in your private practice, unless these are tasked, and overseen, they never occur with the regularity with which they should.

So I encourage you to reach out, brainstorm with your current working staff, ask that they call, check-in on and survey your patients. Find out what they like most, and what they like least about the current state of your private practice and yes the healthcare system in general.

And then go to work with these simple action steps that place you in frequent personalized regular communications and touches with your existing patients and yes your community at large!

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