Are You Part of the “Great Resignation” in Healthcare?

The pandemic had a major effect on our careers. Doctors were already burning out and then this thing was like gasoline being thrown on a fire.  This article talks about it more:

The phenomenon known as the “Great Resignation” has to do with high levels of turnover across industries as businesses and their employees grapple with the economic consequences of 2021. Healthcare, in particular, appears to be the most impacted by this trend, with high percentage of nurses, physicians, and other providers reporting burnout, reports Jackson Physician Search and Medical Group Management Association (MGMA).

Turnover or lack of physician retention is problematic for employers. What amazes me is that the administrators can’t figure out why:

Improving the physician workforce experience could prevent nearly half (46 percent) of surveyed physicians from leaving an organization for another employer. However, nearly as many physicians (43 percent) said they were considering early retirement—another healthcare workforce trend in 2021 that could significantly impact the already dwindling supply of physicians.

The Physician Retention Survey revealed a serious disconnect between physicians and administrators. While a previous survey showed similar perceptions of the current levels of physician burnout among physicians and administrators—both agree that levels are high—they did not see eye-to-eye on the reasons why physicians are feeling burnout.

And here is the key point:

Most physicians said their current employer/practice was driving burnout, whereas administrators were more likely to attribute physician burnout to the nature of practicing medicine, the white paper stated.

This situation WILL NOT change. Admins will continue to deflect on being responsible and blame it on the profession. That’s just human nature. 

Here is my advice. 


And consider doing Direct Primary Care or Direct Specialty Care.

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