The American Medical Association and their Health Equity Guide

Here is the link to the new AMA Health Equity Guide. What is equity? Well, here is their “preamble” from the guide:


The field of equity, like all other scholarly domains, has developed specific norms that convey authenticity, precision and meaning. Just as the general structure of a business document varies from that of a physics document, so too is the case with an equity document. One example is the inclusion of a “Land and Labor Acknowledgement” like the one below. It is common that discussions in the field of equity begin with the recognition that our current state is built on the land and labor of others in ways that violated the fundamental principles of equity.

What the living f%ck does the above mean?

Please take a look at the document. And let’s keep this conversation civil.

Personally, I would LOVE it if healthcare was AFFORDABLE and ACCESSIBLE for everyone. It is not. Who is to blame? Well, that is why this blog exists and we have been arguing this for 20 years!

I believe the government, insurance companies, big hospital corporations, and a bunch more are to blame. And I would love for us all to work on dismantling them.

But how does this help? (see quote below)

Doctors should not say “Low-income people have the highest level of coronary artery disease in the United States.”

Instead, doctors should phrase the same idea like this: “People underpaid and forced into poverty as a result of banking policies, real estate developers gentrifying neighborhoods, and corporations weakening the power of labor movements, among others, have the highest level of coronary artery disease.”


Instead of using “How can we promote healthy behavior?” we should use “How can we democratize land use policies through greater public participation to ensure healthy living conditions?”

So all people are FORCED into poverty? We need to EMPOWER labor movements more? We should democratize land use policies in order for someone to become healthy?

These discussions belong in political debates. But NOW the AMA thinks that there is no debate and is telling all doctors to change or else.

Thanks, AMA, for all your help.

I believe it is fair to say that CRT is EXTREMELY controversial in this country. Both political parties would agree on that. Yet, the AMA jumped right in. Wow.

Even better, the AMA, with this guide, has created new agendas for medical schools to add to their curriculum. Why? Well, those schools will want to seem hip and socially responsible. They will have to adopt it and force students to learn it. Of course, when you add one thing you must subtract other things (like nephrology, ophthalmology, etc).

Will the medical schools wait for proof that the terms in this guide have evidence of their worth? Nope.

They will ALL jump on this immediately.

You heard it here first.


(Please do NOT make this into a debate on the hotbed issue of CRT. I will not get into that. This is about the AMA only. I would say the same about the AMA if they decided to jump in on religion or border walls or whatever).