The Joint Commission is Now on the Fix Physician Burnout Bandwagon

I received the above email and couldn’t believe it. The Joint Commission states that clinician distress is a problem and can affect patient care. No SH$T! And this is coming from an organization that CAUSES clinician distress. Imagine being so clueless, and without self-reflection, to not know this? They even have nice links on how to make you more resilient and improve your well being:

For more information on healthcare worker well-being, please access The Joint Commission’s Quick Safety, Issue 50: Developing resilience to combat nurse burnout and the National Academy of Medicine’s Resource Compendium for Healthcare Worker Well-Being.  

Here was my response to the email:

“I don’t know of ONE physician who likes the Joint Commission.  You are part of the cause of our burnout so don’t pretend to care.  I believe I can speak for every doctor when I say GO F%CK YOURSELF!!”

I have not heard back from them.

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