More Summer Heat

If this is the latest “Summer of Love,” it feels weird.  Maybe it’s the heat, but like accidentally dragging your foot through a fire ant bed (pass the Benadryl), people sure are getting stirred up.

A 22-year-old woman made a TikTok video describing how her gynecologist refused to perform a tubal ligation for her, and instead gave her a brochure on IUD usage.  She was miffed when told she might change her mind because she “might meet Mr. Right” (well not with THAT kind of attitude she won’t!).  Was the GYN actually a good physician looking out for patient in the larger sense, considering her future and potential shifting perspectives, or a paternalistic jerk who should be strictly non-opinionated?  Was the GYN worried about an angry, barren woman legally assaulting him when her biological clock started running down?  Would a non-impregnatable state improve her Tinder ratios (if that’s even how it works, I have no idea)?  She didn’t state whether the gyno referred her to another physician able/willing to help her, and obviously we can’t ascertain the veracity of her one-gal show acted out in a video.  But shouldn’t any woman posting TikTok videos and demanding sterility be granted her wish?  She’s just trying to keep up with the noble dudes (eye roll) diving on the fertility grenades for their chicks, so sisters are doin’ it for themselves (cue the Eurythmics).

On another crack of the paternalistic fissure, a highly skilled APRN who is just as good as any physician, just ask her, was fired by her parent company for a fit of Twitter idiocy (redundancy intended).  Upset over the recent Dobbs decision from the U.S. Supreme Court, Shawna Harris posted for all the world to read: “I prescribe meds.. I can also choose not to prescribe them. So… from now on.. if you are a white male who votes conservative, your penis needs to ask God for the power to rise. No more viagra.”

Well, THAT’S not racist at all.

“I am allowed not to prescribe based on need. If you think God can provide, then why would I not allow for that?  Conservative men rely on God to provide… I think that is a wonderful idea. Let us pray…”

Like that legendary Ron White line, she had the right to remain silent, but not the ability. 

Worse, watchdog Libs of TikTok referred to her has “a doctor,” which was an egregious example of mis-professioning, and tantamount to violence against physicians.  But I digress …

Her employer has since bounced her, uh, “she has since resigned” which is just as well. 

It might be cool to figure out how to get the ligation-refusing GYN and the Viagra-refusing APRN to open a practice together – the money they could save NOT purchasing Press-Gainey surveys could pay for the company Christmas party, and a whole new twist on Magi-gifting.  

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