No Sh%t!

16736321: ND-DR. ROCHELLE WALENSKY ISO [West Newton, USA]

In January, 2021, Dr. Rochelle Walensky became the head of the CDC, and inner circle member of the destructive clown car that our public “health” bureaucracy has shown itself to be.  Last week this same individual confessed that “in our big moment, our performance did not reliably meet expectations.”  That level of understatement does not deserve any points for candor.  The CDC director said, “My goal is a new, public health, action-oriented culture at CDC that emphasizes accountability, collaboration, communication and timeliness.”  Uh huh.

The CDC screwed up practically everything it touched during the COVID panic, added to the panic, and in so doing followed the direction of the thoroughly corrupt, and self-interested Dr’s Fauci and Birx in elongating and vastly worsening the harms beyond what the virus alone could have accomplished.  The CDC has been wrong about masks, vaccine mandates, lockdowns, school closings, and rental housing.  Rental housing???

Despite ample evidence and widespread experience that regular paper or cloth masks did not prevent transmission of aerosolized COVID, the CDC had to …do…something, and so started to spook everyone into the ridiculous things in 2020, and continued the fear mongering right into 2022.  The N95’s provided some, but not total protection, and became too onerous to wear through 12-hour hospital shifts.  To date, everyone in the hospital is still required to wear these symbols, despite vaccination or previous infection status.  I don’t know anyone who wears one if not in a patient room, and I always encourage patients to shuck them if they wish, that we are wearing them just for show (and still waiting on CDC enlightenment to unshackle fearful hospital administrators and their staffs).

In May, 2021 the CDC said, “Fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a face mask or stay 6 feet away from others in most settings.”  Then in July, 2021 The Fauci said, “The CDC was very clear in their announcement today that they are recommending that we have in the school, that vaccinated or not, everybody wears a mask – the teachers, the staff and the students.”

Then in May, 2022 the “CDC (still) recommends that everyone aged 2 and older – including passengers and workers – properly wear a well-fitting mask or respirator over the nose and mouth in indoor areas of public transportation (such as airplanes, trains, etc.) and transportation hubs (such as airports, stations, etc.)”  

If the CDC director didn’t actively promote mass vaccine mandates, she certainly gave a smirking acquiescence to this terrible assault.  In March, 2021 she said,  “Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick.”  Then 3 days later, a CDC spokesman said, “It’s possible that some people who are fully vaccinated could get Covid-19.”  While I can’t find where Walensky actively advocated forcing COVID vaccinations, in July, 2021 Director Hot Mess did say, “To clarify: There will be no nationwide mandate.  I was referring to mandates by private institutions and portions of the federal government. There will be no federal mandate.”

But she did NOT push back against these nonsensical forced vaccinations (of health care workers, the military, etc), now increasingly shown to be harmful, which did prevent infection, transmission, and mutation, until they were shown not to.  She then muddled, “It’s something that I think we are looking to see approval of from the vaccine.”  (They were seeking approval FROM the vaccine, as though it had become Terminator-like sentient??) “Overall, I think in general, I am all for more vaccination, but I have nothing further to say on that except that we are looking into those policies.” Non-specific blather in the finest D.C. tradition, designed to deflect any and all accountability. 

Was the CDC promoting devastating lockdowns, and if so, why?  Walensky seemed to praise the notion in an interview in November, 2021: “To give you a sense of what lockdowns were able to do in other countries, and I mean really strict lockdowns, in China their death rate is three per million.”  The straight up analysis of this quote is that Director Hot Mess is an idiot, which makes her organization idiotic.  1) Taking death rates at face value from a communist thugocracy is as stupid and malevolent as repeating Soviet grain harvest claims from the 1930’s when they were forcibly starving to death over 30,000 Ukrainian per month.  2) It is moronic to compare our COVID “death rates” when the mortality rate DUE TO COVID was NEVER reliably established.  This “scientist” is taking China’s made-up number, and using it to compare to our made-up number, then using that as a basis for policy decisions and public health guidance.

But think of the children!  In February, 2021, Walensky suggested that schools could safely reopen – and then was swatted down a day later by an even dumber, more dishonest White House spokesdrone who proclaimed that Director Hot Mess “spoke to this in her personal capacity.  Obviously, she’s the head of the CDC, but we’re going to wait for the final guidance to come out so we can use that as a guide for schools around the country,” which is to say, “we’re going to see what the teachers’ unions want, and define that as ‘the science’.”  Which is exactly what happened, when Walensky wasn’t busy touting shoddy “studies” that proved absolutely nothing beyond the CDC’s willingness to push an agenda instead of objective analysis.

Remember the time the Centers for Damn-Disease-Control-by-the-Almighty got into the real estate market?  Exactly who or what gave the CDC the power to prevent taxpaying, risk-taking landlords from kicking people out of their legal property?  Even in a profession known for often being too self-important, this is a truly impressive leap.  Here is the official statement from Super-Landlord Walensky when she extended the eviction moratorium into the middle of 2021.  Again, a “public health crisis” was used as justification to deprive some of property rights – is this what we want medicine to be about?

To date, the CDC – which claims to track morbidity and mortality, and its causes – is recommending vaccines across the board to those who clearly do not need them, especially to children who have no reasonable expectation of benefitting from them even as they are at risk for as yet unknown, long-term harms.  

Our entire profession was trained to believe that the CDC was acting in good faith and that we should adopt its recommendations in guiding the best patient care.  Under Walensky, the CDC has been the medical version of the FBI, a frighteningly powerful bureaucracy, hiding behind a noble and lofty job description, able to arbitrarily crush uncooperative individuals, with the true goal of protecting those in power while covering its own ass.  Until corrupt fools like the director and her lackeys are truly held to account, honest physicians should ignore anything coming out of this failed and dangerous wreck.

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