Let me say clearly and unequivocally, I thoroughly DESPISE the corporate practice of medicine(CPOM). By its very nature, it is the complete antithesis to quality health care–it’s hell care. It is crucial, I daresay a requirement, that patients under the corporate system not be prioritized. Instead, they MUST BE commoditized. It is the only way the corporate executives can satisfy the insatiable appetite of their shareholders. The modus operandi of these private equity-backed conglomerates is to swoop in, under the guise of a White Knight savior, to rescue an already depleted hospital organization, create chaos, destruction and yes, even death, pilfer and gut, then exit left, absconding happily with the proceeds they have plundered. Left behind is a barely recognizable carcass where a functional health care institution once existed. These pillagers then slither their way across the nation like serpents, seeking out their next victim.

Unfortunately, there are opportunistic traitors within our health care system who act as Trojan Horses and willingly assist these villains because they benefit from their repulsive behavior. The intent of any business is to profit. It is no great secret that one way of increasing profits is to decrease expenses. Physicians are the source of some of the highest expenditures for employers…for good reason. Expertise costs. However, these business people don’t want to pay for expertise. Remember, patients are not a priority to these heathens. Therefore, in order to make bank, they must find some way around utilizing physicians. Enter the non-physician providers(NPPs), the nurse practitioners(NPs) and physician assistants(PAs). They appear functionally equivalent to physicians because they can mimic. Well. In addition, NPPs are pliable, obedient and question nothing. They love guidelines/protocols/criteria because they don’t have to think or process. Makes no difference to them that those guidelines/protocols/criteria may be written by non-medical corporate flunkies; thereby violating CPOM laws. They just do what they are told, to the delight of the C-suite. Who cares that the cognitive knowledge necessary to manage complex human beings with various common and uncommon ailments and disorders is lacking in these NPPs? No one will be the wiser, including patients, if there is no physician around to check them. What with the NPs and PAs striving to obtain legislative approval for the unsupervised practice of medicine(UPOM or UPM) and the CPOM displacing and replacing physicians, it is a mutually beneficial win-win situation for these conniving bottom-feeders. Huge loss for the patient-physician relationship, but they don’t care about that either. It’s all about the Benjamins with these pimps and ho’s. They hopped in bed together and there the fun began.

NPP supporters of the UPM movement, giddy and gullible with the loving attention showered on them by their corporate paramours and legislative sycophants, believe their own hype. They confidently recite buzzwords and phrases so often that fiction becomes fact inside their Dunning-Kruger infested minds. What does “We want to practice to the full extent of our education and training…” mean? Translated: “We want to practice medicine without the proper education, accountability or legal restriction so we can get the same respect, prestige and pay physicians do.” NPs, enabled by their corporate daddies, legislative fans and uninvolved “collaborative” physicians providing notional supervision, now do whatever the f**k they want, however they want in 26 states. PAs are attempting to follow suit with their absurd Optimal Team Practice(OTP) concept. Neither NP nor PA education was designed for either to have independent practice. To meet the exceptional, educational standards essential to become proficient enough to practice medicine independently and competently would entail a major overhaul of both academic systems. That is unlikely to occur as the costs would be prohibitive. It would also necessitate the involvement of physicians who most likely would not donate their time when there are future medical students and physicians-in-training they must prioritize. It would also be redundant, considering that an exceptional, academic model already exists. One cannot develop a program that is equivalent to physician training without physicians being involved at some level. Those involved in the UPM movement knew this, so they went another route, education by legislation. And with that they began burning bridges with physicians, whom they did not want on the team anyway.

Here’s what those supporting the CPOM and UPM also never consider…who will treat the complications of their actions once they are independent? Physicians do not have to take referrals from unsupervised NPPs if they don’t want to. So the NPPs will have three choices if that occurs: they have to refer to each other, inundate emergency departments(with no guarantee a physician will be present) or the patients are just up s**t creek. The more independent-minded millennials are graduating with no desire to work for “the man”. Many want to be their own bosses and are less fearful than those of my generation who gave up their autonomy, believing “that ship has already sailed”, as if they had no choice but to become employed. Offended by NPPs behaving as if they are equivalent to and who have no interest in working with physicians anyway, these younger docs are less inclined to work with NPPs in their own practices. 

Do not be discouraged about the future of medicine, for the superficial, happy marriage between the CPOM and UPM movement is destined to fail. The NPPs don’t understand that their usefulness to the CPOM is only temporary, until those pimps can find a cheaper ho that’s better in bed….and more naive. Then there will be no more sweet talk in their ear, telling them how they are just as good as those egotistical physicians. Their favored role usurped by yet another jump-off, courted and manipulated by the CPOM. At some point, NPPs will also be forced to acknowledge that the UPM movement will not succeed in the long run. Why? Again, because their fundamental educational foundation is not stable enough to carry the practice of medicine indefinitely. To reiterate, they simply do not possess the requisite knowledge that is imperative to practice medicine competently and without supervision. Diagnosing patients isn’t always about what one sees, it is about what is unseen and obtained by in-depth, skilled, history-taking. It is about understanding complicated pathophysiological processes and convoluted pharmacological management–both of which take years to learn didactically and clinically. One cannot assimilate such detailed information by simply practicing for years as a NP or PA. This kind of education must be taught at a fundamental level and ingrained, which is why medical training is so extensive and arduous. Their inability to recognize their limited apperception will be their downfall. With NPs in particular, the degree mill graduates will expose their ineptitude which unavoidably will become apparent by the inadequate management of their patients.The “education” provided by these mills is a farce and ultimately results in little to no education for NPs pursuing additional schooling. And to add fuel to the fire, they are giving rise to a slew of people unqualified to work as RNs, let alone NPs. So tell me, how can they then fill a “physician gap” when they are not qualified to even fill the nursing gap, which is much greater? They can’t. It’s just a matter of time, because you can’t fake it until you make it in medicine.

With all of this precariousness, the romance between the CPOM and UPM will inexorably crumble because, much like their professional practices, the relationship is shallow, co-dependent and based on a mutual desire to take over medicine. While making no attempt to become intimately familiar with or understand her. They have decided that authentic medicine doesn’t warrant the respect or the time to get to know her–not the makings for a cohesive, stable, long-term love affair such as she has had with deferential physicians. The tug-of-war between doctors and the CPOM/UPM will ultimately end in our favor, because their power does not inherently impart the medical knowledge needed to ultimately succeed in the practice of medicine. Therefore, they will never possess her. Never. Because we physicians are taking her back.

Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will.–Frederick Douglass 

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