The Delusional Effect

One thing I’ve determined in the unsupervised practice of medicine(UPM) movement, is that it is a lesson in the power of self-deception. So much so that the participants will go to any lengths to perpetuate the delusion. Why? Because the option, which is to follow the well-established path to actually becoming a physician, is just too much damn work for them. I’ve learned that those seeking UPM are so f***ing lazy that they would rather hallucinate themselves into equivalency with physicians and then go to legislators to transform that fantasy to reality, when all they had to do was attend medical school and complete a residency. However, legislating the impossible dream was and is preferable. Now that is some kind of lazy.

Nurse practitioners(NPs) who compare themselves to family physicians are a testament as to how delusion can become a state of mind. A fool’s paradise. When fiction is so often repeated that it becomes fact, the absurdity of the situation is completely lost in the delusion.

No, NP, people do not realize you have the same capabilities as Family Medicine physicians or any other physicians…because you don’t. Your wishful thinking is a chimera. You have the capabilities of a registered nurse with a master’s degree, and maybe not even that if you became a NP through an entry-level degree mill or attended a “program” that accepted anyone or anything with a checkbook and a pulse. In which case, you cannot even function as a registered nurse, let alone an advanced registered nurse practitioner. So how the f**k can you function as a physician? YOU CAN’T.

In addition, I am baffled as to how FNPs in particular, claim they practice the same as Family Medicine physicians and should therefore get paid the same, yet never elucidate on how that came to be. How do they actually know they practice the same, especially when some obtain the majority of their education online? They never completed medical school, which is required to enter a residency. And they never completed a FM residency, so how….? Arbitrary self-proclamation, that’s how. Remarkable self-deception of the highest level. Working with a FM doc for 6 months or even a year does not translate into FM expertise, because expertise is non-transferable. There is no exosmosis of medical aptitude that exists in this universe; such mastery can only be gained by years of education and training. The NPs delusions of medical competency arise from the fact that it APPEARS they are doing the same as physicians, and they have fallen for the illusion. A sort of “functional equivalency” mirage that does not equate to proficiency…in anything medical. The Wisconsin governor understood that there is a difference as to what one appears to be doing in the practice of medicine and the knowledge and understanding that drives those actions. What is referred to as “a medical education”. And as we all know, education matters. 

Bottom line, Governor Evers understood two things clearly: NPs do not possess the medical or didactic knowledge to cognitively practice medicine independently as physicians do, and the physician’s presence on the medical team is essential. Seems ludicrous to have to point out that physicians are absolutely necessary on a medical team; however, NPs seeking pay parity and/or some imagined prestige, as well as the legislators and corporate pimps/ho’s profit-driven agenda to supplant physicians from their role on the team, believe otherwise. F**k ‘em. They’re all delusional.

For the record, I’m also sick of the virtue-signaling docs who chime into conversations in which physicians react negatively to s**t like this, then accuse those who appropriately clarify the differences in education between NPs and MDs/DOs of “trashing” nurse practitioners. All the while completely ignoring that their own hard-working medical colleagues were just trashed by NPs. And while we are at it, can we please stop qualifying that nurse practitioners are valuable members of the team before we criticize their unwarranted actions against us? It goes without saying. We never attempted to kick them off the team in the first place. Because medicine has always been a team sport with physicians at the helm. It is that fact which is a thorn in the AANP’s a**. No man or woman is an island. But it is they who wish to remove physicians from the team so they can elevate their status and obtain pay equivalence with physicians, despite being in a completely different profession. They do not view us as valuable members of the team–we are simply in the way. It was they alone who decided we were the enemy by virtue or our profession. Well, f**k them too. Had they had any respect for their own vocation, they would never have sought to equate themselves to physicians because nursing had its own highly regarded status as a profession until these losers decided to f**k with that established history and drag it into the gutter. Nobody had to trash the nurse practitioner profession, they did all by themselves. By not remaining true to their unique roots. That is the real tragedy.

“Belief and delusion are incestuous siblings.”― Aleksandar Hemon, The Lazarus Project