The Placebo Journal is Back! (Sort of)

For those who were fans of the Placebo Journal I am sorry for the clickbait headline. There is a kernel of truth about it though. I have decided to try a podcast where we read a “True Story of Medicine” from the Placebo Journal and then talk about it and other things afterward. Pictured above is Vance Lassey, MD who is a long-time friend and writer from the Placebo Journal. I expect to have other guests on as well. The continuation of the Placebo Journal Podcast depends on you all. If you like it, comment on it, share it, rate it, and watch it then we will continue for a while. Who knows where this will go?

Here is a synopsis of today’s episode:

In the inaugural episode of the Placebo Journal Podcast, hosts Doug and Vance unravel the enigmatic tale of “magnets that seemed alive.” We dissect the peculiar case and give an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the history of the Placebo Journal. Doug and Vance share their journey, detailing how the Placebo Journal came to be and the comedic escapades that ensued. Learn about Vance’s entrance into the world of medical humor and the inspirations behind creating a journal that blends laughter with the serious world of healthcare. As the hosts delve into the story’s intricacies, they provide unique insights and perspectives that only seasoned medical professionals can offer. Brace yourself for a dose of medical humor that will leave you laughing and learning simultaneously. In the latter part of the episode, Doug and Vance take you on a journey into the future of the Placebo Journal Podcast. Be warned there is some grossness and some cursing.

It’s about 15 minutes long and you can watch it on YouTube or listen to it on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. If you don’t have the link handy and are on your phone then just search Apple Podcats or Spotify for Placebo Journal Podcast.

Thanks again for your interest. Remember, we really need shares, ratings, subscribers, watchers, and comments to continue this. Feel free also to email me some of your stories and maybe we will use those!!

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