The Presidents of the AAP and the AMA are calling for the government to stop medical misinformation online

Here we go again. I really cannot believe my eyes. This article came out on Medpage:

Medical Misinfo Runs Rampant Online. The Gov’t Must Retain the Right to Intervene

These two idiots, Benjamin D. Hoffman, MD, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics. and Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, president of the American Medical Association. go into the issues of vaccine safety information online. They claim NO responsibility for causing the public’s distrust. NONE. However, they do mention how the government made social media companies censor the public during the pandemic and this is a “thorny legal issue”. Thorny? Are you f@cking kidding me? Our whole democracy is at stake with this type of censorship.

What do these highly esteemed doctors want?

Anything less than a comprehensive effort to prevent the dissemination of medical misinformation — using the powers of the federal government, public health agencies, healthcare organizations, social media companies and media outlets, and even individual physicians — abdicates our responsibility and needlessly puts the health of our communities, and our nation, at risk.

I am so afraid for this country. Yes, there are lots of bad actors online and lots of falsehoods. That will never be stopped. But these organizations want INFORMATION to be shut down if they don’t like it! Yes, that happened, too. RFK won his lawsuit against the government which did NOT refute his information online but created a new term called MALINFORMATION, which is information the AAP, the AMA, or the government doesn’t like. YES, IT’S TRUE!!!!!! (Enjoy trying to find this as GOOGLE buries it in their search. Hmmmm.)

Let’s just say you are all for what the twin turds of the AAP and AMA said. Will the censorship stop at vaccines? This is a slippery slope, my friend. How about people tweeting about their issues with a certain drug that Pfizer or J&J makes? Big Pharma pays these organizations and the government a lot of money in ads and lobbying. They could pressure them to censor anything said about their new drug. Would that be good?

Or, what about ideological madness like transgenderism? This social contagion is taking over the brains of the radical left and causing so many issues in children leading to life-altering surgeries and hormone treatments when kids don’t have the ability to make these decisions on their own, Should people be censored if they talk about it negatively online? According to these moronic presidents then…….YES!

Lastly, who is the ultimate purveyor of truth? I am a physician. I speak to physicians all the time. Most of us are really confused and upset about the lies they spewed during COVID for the “greater good”. I did not make the image above. It was on Twitter and it was basically on the money. This proves my point and we do not want the AAP or the AMA to be in charge. These bozos need to go play in traffic. The risk to our democracy is too high to let them destroy it.

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