What will be the next healthcare HACK?

I consider myself a computer geek without formal training, but I like to follow the industry.  As an example, Windows 11 represented a serious rewrite of many of the decades old basic components.  The folks who wrote these original legacy components are now dead or retired, losing a lot of institutional knowledge of  a very complex operating system. In short, writing good secure code is difficult.

Meanwhile, another company we all know, EPIC, has been around almost as long as Microsoft.  Any user who has to work in EPIC is aware of the software’s awesome complexity.  EPIC is, indeed, an effort to have everything in one package.  Like many editions of Windows, it often feels like there are a lot of modules that have been duct taped into the system.  This feels like a real weakness.

Change Healthcare is another such example of a software with many such modules duct taped together to make it run. As you should know, Change Healthcare was decimated by a hack, wrecking a lot of healthcare providers. Some experts have mentioned a module called “Screen Connect” as the point of weakness.  No one is admitting anything, but it reveals the hazards of using a Rube Goldberg model for your business.

So, we all wonder:  Is a player as big as EPIC safe?  I’m sure EPIC points to its bullet proof security practices, saying “It can’t happen to us!”

Yet, I’m sure Change Healthcare also still points to such “bulletproof security” even as it gasps for breath.  No, it wasn’t bulletproof.

You are only as secure as your weakest module.

You are only safe until a hacker notices your importance.  Once they turn their attention to you, look out!

You have backups, so you feel confident.  Are they clean or are they contaminated? You won’t know until you need them.

The most valuable thing when seeing a patient is the old chart.  Those charts are now all digital and that makes them vulnerable.

Imagine EPIC being hacked.  Like me, your first reaction is to chuckle.  Then you pause, think about it and realize it would be a very bad thing.  Patients would be hurt.  They would go without care.  Many would needlessly die.  No, an EPIC hack is not even a little funny.

We are not safe.  Predators are scanning us carefully.  They are highly competent and they don’t care who gets hurt.

Meanwhile, our systems are protected by the equivalent of  Barney Fife.

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