Corporate apologies for your large medical practice

Increasingly, most medical practices have grown large and more impersonal.  Instead of a doctor leading the group, it is a higher-paid administrator.  As such, bad things may happen which can create a severe and damaging social media backlash.  It is critical for your large practice to get ahead of the social media storm.  It is important to retake control.

Here at Authentic Medicine, even though we advocate alternative practice models, we know that most of you are trapped in a large corporate practice, doing your best to help your patients and make a living.  Even though you may be large, a tidal wave of adverse social media postings and ratings can be damaging to both your reputation and bottom line.

Most large practices become paralyzed when faced with adverse publicity.  Does an apology admit guilt and make it worse?  Often, the problem is totally the fault of the practice.  No matter how you look at what happened, a bunch of people may have really screwed up.

For this, we offer the Contrite Apology:

What if the issue was totally due to the patient and not your practice?  How do you convey the appropriate level of empathy and concern?  How do you let it be known that, maybe, the patient is also being an unreasonable jerk.

Maybe the practice is also at fault but you’ve gotten so tired of saying “I’m sorry” all the time.  Sometimes, you want to strike back.  Yes, the medical system is a disaster, but IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT!!!

For this, we offer the Contrite Non-apology:

So, if social media turns against you, find the apology video that suits your corporate medicine plan and copy and paste the YouTube link.At Authentic Medicine, we have you covered.