Maybe the Opioid Crisis Wasn’t Our Fault? Duh.

I am old enough to remember the stupid pain scale and mandates to treat the 5th vital sign. That was around the year 2000. I ignored it because I knew the risk of opioids. We were supposed to ask every patient in every visit their pain number. How ridiculous was that? My partners and I ignored that too. And we were right. In 20 years, thanks to the Joint Commission who helped Purdue Pharma cash in on Oxycontin, we now have an opioid crisis.

So the cavalry was brought in.

The government, in their collective wisdom, had to make themselves look good so they went after EVERY doctor to make sure they were NOT overprescribing narcotics. We all knew it was the pain “pill mills” causing much of this. The government ignored our pleas for years but since I never changed my pattern in 2000 I never had to worry about this. It turns out, as we knew, it wasn’t the majority of doctors doing this.:

Physicians have prescribed 44 percent less opioids over the past decade, yet fatal and nonfatal drug overdoses have continued to climb, according to a new report from the American Medical Association (AMA)

So, there you have it. The drugs are getting into this country illegally or there are still pill mills left. One or the other. How about we fix this?


Doctors are easy targets. They are weak and rarely fight back. Just like the pain scale and the massive Physician Monitoring Programs, we will have new mandates to watch over us and intrude into our practice.

And the overdoses will continue.

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