UnitedHealthcare is Fixing Doctor Burnout

UnitedHealthcare which is part of UnitedHealth Group is using its United Health Foundation to fix doctor burnout:

The United Health Foundation provided a three-year, $3 million grant to the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation to create a new program to train 200 family physicians to lead change for improved clinician well-being in their practices and organizations.

Yes, you read that correctly. The AAFP is accepting their money, without irony or guilt, and is all in. There is no mention that UnitedHealthcare is a large reason doctors are burned out in the first place. Instead, there is this:

Participants selected to participate in the program benefit from virtual meetings, seminars, conferences, webinars and small-group breakout sessions focused on physician well-being, leadership development and performance improvement. They also complete two projects throughout the course of the program — one personal and one organizational — with ongoing support from mentors.

Hooray!!! This should fix the burnout issue.

If you want to see the link to all this just click here.