A Letter to Hospital Administrators

Dear Hospital Administration:

So, you bought a practice!  How exciting!  Pat yourself on the back.

Now, quickly get into “war room” mode because you now own a disaster!  Everyone is all smiles right now, but soon you will be hating each other.  Some big failures are coming your way and you better get ready NOW!

Bad practice management is one of the biggest reasons your shiny new practice will fail. You need to assume you are “way in over your head” and should plan accordingly!

The practice you bought is broken and your fellow administrators will probably break it worse!  Yep!  You can depend on it!  The situation is now, and for the foreseeable future, “All hands on deck!  May Day!  May Day!”…

And, once you think you’ve fixed it all, don’t look away because another wheel will fall off and send it all off the cliff.

Welcome to the world of medical practice.  It’s different from running a hospital.  Yep, you’re pretty smart to have become a well-paid administrator.  But, you’re still out of your league on this one!