Que’ el virus?

Last year I caught a pretty good series on Netflix, “The Barrier.”  It’s a story about how three generations survive and reunite in a modern-day Spain turned into a dystopian police state after a pandemic ravages the world.  Can’t imagine where they got that idea.  Anyhoo, the “barrier” is a patrolled wall keeping the well-fed, overly comfortable elites separate from the hoi polloi, which are presumed to be grubbier and therefore more infectious.  One of the elites is a high-placed researcher who is hot on the trail for a vaccine, aided by her husband who is a top minister.  There is plenty of suspense, a couple of decent plot twists, some spicy peccadillos, and the whole thing in Spanish, which I don’t speak (apart from “cerveza, por favor”), so cue the subtitles.  The elites have all the perks, best food, servants, nice cars, and are able to use the children of the masses for vaccine experimentation.  Again, can’t imagine where they got the idea for such a farfetched plot.  

Which reminds me of a funny story.  “Police have charged Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro, the president of European pharmaceutical behemoth PharmaMar, with being falsely vaccinated against COVID-19.”  Dr. Sousa-Faro has a Ph.D. in natural chemistry, and has been a professor of biochemistry and at the University of Santiago de Compostela, with “more than 90 logic distributions and licenses in the fields of natural chemistry, anti-infectives, and atomic science.” 

So this 76-year old … hey, wait a second, 76?!  That puts him in the high risk-category, so no way would a guy this educated, this briefed, this savvy not take the lifesaving COIVD-19 vax, right? 

“According to police sources and El Periodico de Espana, Sousa-Faro arranged to be injected with a saline solution instead of a COVID-19 vaccination and spent hundreds of euros to have his name added to Spain’s immunization register.”  What??  Come on, you’re telling me that a well-connected, big money guy with all those tickets would risk COIVD death when all he had to do was take a shot? 

“Dr. Sousa-Faro is one of almost 2,200 celebrities and European elites who have been erroneously vaccinated against Covid, according to a list compiled by National Police.”  C’mon, this can’t be true.  Not celebrities!  Our betters have spent the last year exhorting, nagging, pleading, and chiding us all to get the jab.  You mean some of our betters and paragons of all that is good, decent, and cool didn’t want it, AND faked it? 

“Euro Weekly News report: The leader of the network was nursing assistant at the La Paz University Hospital, where he is accused of charging more than €200,000 euros for fraudulently registering 2,200 people as vaccinated in the National Registry against Covid-19. He has been arrested and is currently in custody.”  “Camilo Esquivel, recognized and prestigious doctor” is another perp, as are several professional athletes and entertainers.  “According to the police … the fee was dependent on your social standing. The more important you were, the higher the price.” 

As I wondered in an earlier piece, what’s the big deal?  I get that falsifying a government document is a crime – especially to the self-important blowhards we all serve who cannot countenance EVER being taken less than seriously – but isn’t this a truly victimless crime?  If I have already had the vaccine, what difference does it make whether the Pfizer CEO sitting on the subway next to me had one?  Trick question – no way am I getting on a subway these days. 

This story doesn’t prove a single thing about the COVID-19 vaccine, absolutely nothing.  All it does is beg the question:  why did these affluent Spaniards go to such expense, and risk criminal charges to avoid the jab? 

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