Are You Anxious?  The Government Wants to Know!

From the New York Times!

Those fun folks at the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force have come out with another guideline:

All adults under age 65 need to be screened for anxiety.

I know what you’re thinking!

Some primary care physicians expressed concern that adding an additional responsibility to their wide-ranging checklist for brief patient appointments is implausible.

Dr. Pbert of the task force said that those providers should “do what they already do on a daily basis: Juggle and prioritize.”

Juggle and Prioritize!?  Did he just say that?

But let’s not get too enthusiastic about this.  The article goes further:

“When providers say, ‘You must have a disorder, here, take this,’ we could face an overprescribing problem.” 

So, bottom line:  Ask patients if they feel anxious.  If they say “No.  I’m not anxious at all!” you need to immediately refer the patient to a trained health professional.  Such patients are clearly delusional!

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