The Medicare Advantage SCAM

An elderly and weakened patient was released from a hospital admission after a series of falls, appearing in our office six days later.  He was still wrapped in the same dressings for his arm and leg wounds.  The gauze was totally encrusted to him and we had to do a lot of cleanup to remove all of the debris. No one at the hospital had set up Home Health for him, which he desperately needed. He was going to need help with dressing changes.  Home Health might have been at least a start.

“What the heck?!  How could the hospital have been so negligent?”

Then, we learned more.  None of the Home Health agencies in our region would even consider taking his particular Aetna brand of Medicare Advantage.  Zero!  Zip!  We have a lot of Home Health agencies in our region and there were NONE willing to take his case!  We called them all.  It was not debatable.

Here we have an Aetna Medicare Advantage plan which promises all sorts of services.  Except….those services are imaginary and do not exist for him.

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