Oh, The Humanity

I just read this article on the MedPage site and it is eye-opening. It’s called:

How Will Tomorrow’s Medical Students Be Different?

— New skills before and during medical school may enhance diversity and development

Yup, they are getting rid of some “hard sciences” like calculus for things like sociology. It’s all about the humanities now. We have talked about this before on Authentic Medicine. Removing grades and MCATS is the next step. I just wanted to show you some examples of how crazy things have gotten:

The AAMC has also created an optional exam to evaluate the “situational judgment” of students applying to medical school. The Professional Readiness Examopens in a new tab or window, formerly known as the AAMC Situational Judgment Test, consists of 30 hypothetical scenarios and 186 related questions that test the effectiveness of students’ remedies to hypothetical situations encountered in the classroom and practice. The appropriateness of students’ responses is a proxy for their readiness to enter medical school, as determined across eight core competencies such as service orientation, cultural competence, and teamwork.

Typical dilemmas presented to students include: (1) how to deal with a classmate who violates patient privacy on social media; (2) how to ensure a patient’s cultural customs are respected in the event something unexpected occurs following surgery; (3) how to seek help when the stress of a clerkship in emergency medicine is beginning to affect sleep and judgment; (4) how to address a lecturer who is quick to dismiss multiple valid perspectives on a subject; and (5) how to deal with a classmate who has assumed a deceased immigrant was “undocumented,” or a person’s stomach pain was fabricated because they were homeless.

To be fair, I want a doctor who is more sociable and friendly. I think that is a good thing. But I also want a doctor who is smart and whose brain is filled with the information to figure things out. Lastly, I don’t care what games they play in finding the most “progressive” doctors, they will all be bitter and burned out in a few years of practice due to our broken healthcare system.

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