Open Your Mouth, Close Your Eyes

Above is a quote attributed to Aristophanes.  Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t.  I will speak of a more recent iteration of the same quote – when I was much younger my older brother had me play this game.  He walked up and clumsily hid a strawberry behind his back.  He told me those words – “open your mouth and close your eyes.”  I am and have always been a naturally trusting person – believing in the goodness of others and holding that no one wished me ill.  

I closed my eyes.

I opened my mouth and prepared for the sweet strawberry taste to hit me.

My brother popped in my mouth, from his other hand, something rotten.  I don’t even know what.  But rotten and disgusting.  I spit it out and never played that exact game again – but variations of it I’ve played in the millions of times, and rotten food has been the usual.  Occasional strawberry.

So now, instead of my brother (who I secretly cursed that he would one day get cancer and die, which happened, so don’t mess with me) I have Pfizer playing the same game.  They have in one hand the shot with no side effects and perfect efficacy against Covid (remember Fauci puppeting through our president that “if you get this shot you will not get Covid”?) 

On the other hand they have the reality – that only they know.  How protective is this shot? What are the side effects reported and the severity and frequency of them?

Until I see what Pfizer is holding in both hands I will not open my mouth for them and I am not getting another Covid vaccine.  Am I suggesting to anyone else in the world that they don’t get the shot either?  Absolutely not.  But I am saying – “keep your eyes open.”

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