Google Reviews of Doctors

Here are some examples of Google Reviews of those doctors in revered television and movies.

The Review:

“I would never go to him again or recommend anyone go to him. I was dealing with a very serious illness and he did not seem to take me seriously ever.  1 out of 5 stars because I cannot rate a zero stars, or even a negative.  Negative three stars, that is my actual rating.” 

P. Issed off

The Doctor:

The review:

“As a patient I really wanted to like this doctor.  There was a whole collection of doctors and I got the good one, the cool one, the liberal that accepted everyone.  But.  After even a few days I saw that he was demeaning to his staff, insanely intolerant to anyone that had even the slightest difference than his hyper liberal agenda, flouted authority and took multiple needless risks medically while operating inebriated.  One out of Five stars.”

K. Orean Vet

The Doctor

The Review:

“Not only am I certain every single person that works in that hospital knows every aspect of their anatomy, I’m willing to bet its also true of those in the surrounding buildings and all along their commute to work.  I heard stories of getting around so much they are called the beltway, since they have been around town.  Good surgeons, but a bit unprofessional.  Unless she would consider me for a date?  He isn’t my style”

Denny the Heart Transplant Character

The Doctor:

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