Mothers of Boys with Gender Identity Disorder

I would like to add this post to the article I wrote about Designer Diseases where transgender people were found to have by far the highest amount of Long COVID.

This is the abstract from an article in 1991, a time when politics did not fully control this issue and the narrative behind it.

Mothers of boys with gender identity disorder: a comparison of matched controls

J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 1991 Mar;30(2):310-5.


This pilot study compared mothers of boys with gender identity disorder (GID) with mothers of normal boys to determine whether differences in psychopathology and child-rearing attitudes and practices could be identified. Results of the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines and the Beck Depression Inventory revealed that mothers of boys with GID had more symptoms of depression and more often met the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder than the controls. Fifty-three percent of the mothers of boys with GID compared with only 6% of controls met the diagnosis for Borderline Personality Disorder on the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines or had symptoms of depression on the Beck Depression Inventory. Results of the Summers and Walsh Symbiosis Scale suggested that mothers of probands had child-rearing attitudes and practices that encouraged symbiosis and discouraged the development of autonomy.

53% vs. 6%.

I am just leaving this out there like a hanging chad. Make your own conclusions. In a free world, we would be okay with discussing the obvious. Now you ALL must be careful because anything you say can be deemed hate speech and may eventually result in license suspension, fines, or even jail time. (That is only a slight exaggeration as we are truly headed in that direction. See Dr. Conrad’s article.)

Lastly, let’s see how fast this older study is removed.

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