Colleagues, as you fight against this ridiculous scope creep battle, I would like to offer a few insightful caveats/quotes for support. 

Be warned that you will be gaslighted and sealioned to death. You will be asked to prove a negative(ie: that NPPs don’t measure up to physicians). Don’t fall for it.

Caveat #1: “The practice of medicine is the gold standard by which all other disciplines of health provision are measured. The onus is on them to prove, with VALID evidence of sound quality and unquestionable standards and methodology, that their discipline measures up.”

We’re the physicians-we don’t have to prove s**t. We put in the grueling work & lifted those heavy-ass books. We are not conflating our profession with others or lying that we can practice in another discipline in which we have not been properly trained. I know of no physicians interested in disbanding the medical team for selfish reasons or any other purpose. Non-physician “leaders” and traitor trash docs will attempt to convince the gullible that non-physician practitioners(NPPs) can do 80-90% of what a physician can do. Those are numbers they pulled out of their a**es. Fiction repeated often enough becomes fact. Again, don’t fall for it. In many cases, less is more. NOT IN MEDICAL EDUCATION. Less is less. 

Caveat #2: “Never dummy down, smarten up.”

The importance of education is also why I have this quote in my Twitter bio:

Caveat #3: “Devaluation of education should never, ever be acceptable. Because there would no longer be pursuit of excellence, only pursuit of mediocrity.”

You will be told, ad nauseum, that NPPs should be allowed to practice at the “top of their license”. WTF does that mean? Not one person has eloquently defined the meaning because it’s balderdash.

Caveat #4: “Top of their license is still bottom of the barrel medicine.”

Always remember that the scope creep movement is not about increased access, improving safety or providing quality care to patients. It is about avarice and a lack of ethics. Patients are not on the radar, except as commodities.

Caveat #5: “No one forgets their integrity, they relinquish it.”

Those pushing and promoting the scope creep agenda abdicated their integrity long ago. Had they retained it, this s**t would not be happening.

Caveat #6: “Life is so much easier to navigate without a moral compass.”

I will now exit left.

**All quotes are attributions from Natalie Newman, MD, with the exception of the image at the top of the article.**

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