The Healthcare in America Wall

My brother now lives in Mexico

Today he sent me this picture that he took.

This is not just the jankiest construction ever seen – it is also the perfect image to encapsulate:

Healthcare in America!

Note the shoddy and piecemeal wall.  Note that it is falling down.  Note that it had to be propped up.  Not that the strong well-built wall nearby would not allow the crumbling wall to touch it with any bit of its awfulness.  Note that the solution was a series of inexplicable actions: 

Let’s get a board to support the falling wall –

and then a board over to a stump, which is not tall enough,

so bricks –

and then support the stump with some other stick thing.

Dear Healthcare in America:

Tear down that wall!

Start over.  Do it right next time.

For those that will say that it is easy to say “tear down and build it right,” but harder to offer actual solutions, they have not been reading this blog.  Solutions have been proffered. 

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