What Not to Wear in the Hospital

This picture is from a nurse in Russia who was suspended from the hospital where she worked. It turns out she was “too hot” wearing clothing underneath the head-to-toe vinyl gown she was given. From the NY Post article:

While there were reportedly “no complaints” from her patients, hospital chiefs punished the nearly nude nurse for “non-compliance with the requirements for medical clothing.” The nurse claimed she did not realize that her underwear was showing through the PPE.

I love the picture of the dude in the background staring. Now, we’re all getting a kick out of this little diddy but I recommend no one else follow this trend. Why? Let’s be honest, this story wouldn’t be so “cute” if the nurse was morbidly obese and seemed like a 3 lb sausage in a 2 lb bag. I am just keeping it real here. I am not fat-shaming but you know damn well it wouldn’t be a story if that happened. So, my critique is really of the media here.

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