Another Pharmacy Chain Shaking the Primary Care Tree and Guess What?

The Wall Street Journal’s article in the paper version is titled CVS Seeks Primary Care Doctors and it caught our eye. The corporatization of healthcare, now through pharmacy chains, is quite amazing. We mentioned it in this blog post recently. That was about Walgreens buying VillageMD for $5.2 billion and their plans to have at least 600 primary-care clinics in more than 30 U.S. markets by 2025 and 1,000 by 2027.

Here is what CVS now says:

On Wednesday, CVS Chief Executive Karen Lynch said the company is working with “speed and urgency” to create physician-staffed primary-care practices, which she said will be a priority for CVS as it considers potential acquisitions in the coming year.

Good for them. We guess they have a family doctor farm somewhere and are growing these doctors?

“We really believe that we need to kind of push into primary care, so we can influence the overall cost of care,” she said. “And by doing that, we think that we can have better engagement, help customers better navigate and obviously have higher quality, lower cost of care.”

So CVS as well as Walgreens, UnitedHealthcare and Humana all want primary care doctors. Here’s the thing that they ALL know. Residency slots for doctors have not increased. Add to the this that the interest to become a primary care doctor continues to wane (Something you will never hear, “I want to graduate residency and work for a pharmacy chain!”).

We question whether they really want doctors at all. Nothing that the CEO said is appealing to doctors. It’s truly amazing, actually. Dale Carnegie would shake his head at her. What happened to trying to arouse an eager want in a person? Doctors don’t care about the goals of CVS, Walgreens or even a major hospital network. What’s in it for them?

But what if they don’t care what doctors want? What if it is a big show? They can say they tried but no doctors came. So they just had to hire LELTs (NPs/PAs) to fill the spots and wouldn’t you know it, they get to pay them half the price.


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